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Should I tell my crush How I feel before I move?

I'm moving thousands of miles away from my crush. I have liked him for 5 years now and he knew I liked him a long ...

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I had phone sex with a guy thats not my boyfriend and I feel horrible what should I do??

I met my boyfriend in DEC 2010 I have known him for almost 2yrs been together for ...

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Can anyone help me with my crush?

Okay so I've liked this guy for over a year now. I have barely said a word to him before. Yet i don't know I think I just feel ...

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Im afraid to kiss my boyfriend. What if I mess up?

ive never kissed anyone yet and im scared to kiss, i feel free that ive never kissed anyone but i also want to. my ...

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I am a boy and I like this boy but feel like I don't want to be gay because people will be mean.:(?

So their is this boy in my class that is really handsome and so hot he ...

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