... related to where I'm living at the time. Basically I'll be dreaming about something completely unrelated to the recurring dream and then suddenly it flashes to me being at my house (wherever I'm living at the time). And I'll be trying to turn the lights on but nothing is working. The lights won't turn on and it's pitch black in the house. So I start to panick. Side note: I'm not afraid of the dark in real life, so it's not that. Anyway, when the lights won't turn on, I always start to call out for help. Whether it be me calling my boyfriends name, or a friends name or even my mom. But in the dream I can't yell. It's like when you try to run in a dream but you can only run in slow motion. It's kind of like that. But for me it's yelling. And then when I try yelling, I end up talking in my sleep. Does anybody have any advice on what this could mean? I'm very curious bc I've literally been having this dream since I can remember. Probably since I was like 10 maybe? I'm 24 now, so it's been quite some time. Thanks in advance!