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Who or what are your inspirations for creating your designs?

The biggest influencers on my designs and style are my parents. They both dressed very conservatively but always added an element of fashion or ...

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How to Save Money on Electrical Services from Local Electrician Companies?

When it comes to electrical services for your home or business, finding ways to save money without compromising on quality is always a priority. ...

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My husband hit me for the first time in an 19 year marriage. I don't know what to do?

How do I forgive my husband for hitting me after 19 years of a loving and passionate ...

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Love problems?

Well i really like this guy and i have for like 2 years.Problem is that he is in love with this girl.And that girl and i have always hated eachother..... ...

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What does it mean if he touches my upper thigh?

I have a guy friend that I always joke around with, typical middle school flirting. Sometimes we joke around and hit each ...

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Why are rich people so cheap?

my buddy let's call him "Ben" and I come from wealthy families. However, something I have always noticed about, not all, but ...

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Sex - How to stop being a virgin?

I am 19, female, at college and still a virgin. I dance with guys at parties and such but I always break off. Should I simply be like ...

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