My BFF won't stop talking about all these dudes.
She's always like,

"I need a BF''
"No one wants me"
"I need a boyfriend"
"I'm a loner"
She pesters me all the time about how she wants a guy, and I try my best to help her and let her know that the right guy will be there someday.
All she ever talks about is why she won't get a boyfriend..I tried to avoid her question.
She was like
"I need a boyfriend!" And I was like "OMG GUESS WHAT I SAW ON TV" and she was like
"You ain't even listening!"

I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do!
She gets mad at me when I try to explain that someone out there is waiting for her and no one at this school is worthy enough for her.
She just won't leave me alone about it..
What should I do?

P.S. Whenever I tell her she will find someone one day, she is all like,
"We are young. I want a boyfriend now, my life is boring."