Okay, so my mom has just recently got into another relation ship that all of her kids don't approve of, (let the youngest be 9years old). She isn't doing a very good job at taking care of us (I'm 17), and we all had to be placed under programs for governmental support, (wick, child protective services, section 8, etc.). I mean its not my say so, but I just think its really not a good descion for her. First of all, they aren't married, second of all her health (diabetic), third of all they have only been together for ATLEAST 10 months, and they both don't have jobs, (mom works part time). The man shes with has been in and out of prison, homless, and has atleast 3-4 children already. I really don't want her to have another that's going to be strung along with her relationship problems, then he probably is going to cheat and abuse her. IDK something seems off with the both of them, but mostly him. I really don't want to be forgotten either along with the rest of my siblings. I really think 7 is enough and she should be happy with what she has, because next thing you know 1 new child will be 5, then 7 and the process is ever going. Everything just seems out of control, I mean how are you going to support 8 children financially? Also, we live in a section 8 bad 4 bedroom apartment with roaches, rats, drugs, and violence, (there is shooting around here). I really want the best for my mom, and I don't think he is it honestly. Also, when we never knew about him, he would show up at the apartment at 3 o' clock in the morning, or 12 o' clock. He never speaks to us, only if my mom tells him to, and they stay in their room the WHOLE DAY!!! I'm sick of this madness and just want her to find a REAL man who just doesn't use her for her kindness and for shelter and food. They have already been in 2-3 arguments already to a point where she kicked him out. I really don't want the baby to grow up and suffer from this turmoil like we did, seeing her get abused time and time again. I will literally move out if she has another baby, and plus whats the point!? The baby won't stay a baby it'll just grow up doing who knows what!! Next thing you know.... Octomom all over again!!!! Sigh, I tell you, people DON'T care about the children, given to prove love to another signifigant. Any opinions please feel free to state them, thanks.