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Shall I make my wifes elder sister pregnant ?

My sister in Law (my wifes elder sister), lost her husband earlier by an accident, after few months her 3 year kid very ...

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Need help finding a unique name like our other children?

We are needing help naming our new baby on the way, Its a girl! =) We have three other kids and we want her name ...

26 answers | | Open

Why are some child singers sing behind a curtain in the voice kids around the world?

They do it in their blind auditions.

1 answers | | Open


There is a kid at my school who is so mean to me. Im going into 7th grade in september and I hate him. What should I do?

16 answers | | Open

Is she cheating or am I paranoid? I am married to an ex-stripper. She was still stripping when we?

... met but has returned to a respectable career. When we were dating ...

5 answers | | Open

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