I had surgery for pilonidol cysts and it was an open wound surgery. the doctor told me to pack it every day with dressing after my shower. when he took it out on the follow up of surgery it hurt to the point where I couldn't stand BC my legs were shaking and I got super nauseous. he then gave me the instructions of changing it daily. so when I went to take it out that night for my shower I felt that same thing of nauseous and not being able to stand and I cried a lot. I wouldn't let my mom repack the wound BC I was scared. I told her the next day that we could try again but when it was time to do so I got what felt like a panic attack or anxiety attack and I got nauseous. so I said no again. its been a week without packing it and every day I tell myself when my mom gets home I'm going to pack it but I get nauseous and I won't eat unless I force myself to and I get an anxiety or panic attack and it doesn't end until I know my mom is in her room and its too late for her to pack it. I don't know what to do. I don't want to get it infected but I also don't want it to not heal wrong