I'm a gout sufferer. I've been using Indomethacine 25 mg in frequent attack. I knew this drug from a doctor who had prescribed when I visited him 2 years ago. But now in every attack I use this NSAID without any doctor prescriptions. It works. Till now I haven't used any drugs to lower Uric acid level in blood, only NSAID (Indomethacine 25 mg). Within last 3 months, I'm suffering in chain events. my left big toe joint aches, I use Indomethacine, pain disappears for a week and again reappears and the same process. Since I cannot consult good physicians I only have to rely on the Indomethacine available in remote village. Does the frequent use of Indomethacine result any serious problems? Please suggest me. I know changing food habit and consulting physicians is must. But it's for only 2 months I cannot meet doctors