Should I shave my head bald? I'm a guy with longish hair?

Responses (3)

no, why would you want to shave your head bald? .____.

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Seems like fun and ive wanted to try it

this doesn't mean you should go bald right away. i use to have hair passed my shoulders. i got a buzz cut and almost felt like a new person.

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Do you think I wouldn't like being bald?

you'll never know unless you try it. my uncle is a marine and he enjoys being bald. but i think you should try a number 3 buzz cut first. some guys look better bald. like "vin diesel" i can't picture him with hair. and i think ice cube "O'shay jackson" looks better with a shaved cut.

Good point, but it might just be fun to go straight to bald. The shock of it all seem cool.

that's why i wanted to get a shaved cut. weather you go bald or get a shaved cut everyone will notice. it did feel much better and summer is the best time to try it.

Well I think I'm going to go for it

I would'nt reccomend that but a stylish hair cut may profit your looks.

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