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Can someone break down Muslims and dating, please?

I'm a Christian High school girl and I really really like this guy but he's Muslim and I don't really know how dating workings in that ...

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How long has Family Guy been around for?

The TV show Family Guy. How long has it been around for?

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How do I make up with old friends that I messed up the friendship?

Hi, I'm 16 and last year I had befriended this guy. I ended up getting a little crush on him and he found out. He stopped talking to me and ...

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How to tell a boy you like him in 5th grade?

I'm in 5th grade and I'm 11 years old and I really like this guy at my school i started liking him a while ago and ...

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I have a crush but I'm shy. I wanna talk to him alone, how could I get him alone?

I have a serious crush right now. I've never felt this nervous or shy around any ...

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Benefit of digital marketing...?

Hello guys i have done diploma in digital marketing and going to persue a Mba in marketing hw my digital marketing certificate is going ...

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What do guys look for in girls?

I like two guys and there really nice but I was wonder what guys like about girls help!!! Ps im at high school and thanks in advance ;)

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I had phone sex with a guy thats not my boyfriend and I feel horrible what should I do??

I met my boyfriend in DEC 2010 I have known him for almost 2yrs been together for ...

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