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Are the greek gods and goddesses real?

i am 13 years old and have read all the books by rick riordan. i was wonderng if the gods in the greek mythology where real. i am ...

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I am 13 years old and I have a 250 page book. should I publish it?

i am kindof afraid of what my mother or people think of it. I don't want people to compare it to ...

26 answers | | Open

Okay I'm a teen girl looking for some new books to read?

Okay i'm a teen girl looking for some new books to read. I liked harry potter, the hunger games, ...

19 answers | | Open


I want to write a book and I need ideas for names. I need two boy's names that will sound okay with the names Erica and Kylie (two characters in my story). I ...

16 answers | | Open

Does anyone have the answers to American Literature exams 3-8 for American School?

I can help you with books ive finished if i have them. Need Asap want to get this over ...

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