Complex Questions

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When is vitrectomy performed for retinal detachment?

Vitrectomy is typically performed in more complex cases of retinal detachment. During the procedure, the vitreous gel is removed, and the retina is ...

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When is vitrectomy performed for retinal detachment?

Vitrectomy is typically performed in more complex cases of retinal detachment. During the procedure, the vitreous gel is removed, and the retina is ...

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What are the methods of crushing rock?

How to crush big rocks into small ones is a simple yet complex problem. Here, we introduce several methods of breaking rocks. Of course, which method ...

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How to start wordpress theme development?

I want to start to develop wordpress theme development. I tried, but it's too much complex to learn at ...

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I am 19 years old talking to a 15 year old girl. I met her in my apartment complex when I was 17?

... close to turning 18 when we met. Were not dating but we have ...

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Mathematic question?

There were 210 children at the swimming pool complex, 1/5 of the boys and 3/8 of the girls were swimming. If there were 63 pupils swimming in the ...

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My friend's car got towed parked in my space?

I asked my friend to park her car in my condo complex (6 units) and take my car to the dinner. While having a dinner I ...

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How search engine optimization helps us?

Search Engine Optimisation is a complex and constantly changing arena. It is one of the most effective (in ROI) marketing t ...

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