Drinking Questions

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Why do I feel like crap after only 3 drinks?

So little backstory, I’m 23 and have been drinking(6+ drinks) most weekends since I turned 21. I’ve had hangovers before, when I’d ...

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Why do trashy shows like Jersey Shore exist?

They promote being stupid and glorify binge drinking

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Why do TV commercials and shows amplify eating and drinking sounds?

It's harmful to people that have misophonia.

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I hit my boyfriend first, then he hit me back a lot harder, worse, and more, should I forgive?

My boyfriend and I have had our ups and downs. I have a small temper, but ...

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Which one's better: tea or coffee?

I grew up drinking coffee; it doesn't necessarily help me wake up but there is something comforting about starting my day with a ...

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How many standards drinks did they each consume?

Megan (110lb, female) and Katy (130lb, female) are having drinks while they get ready to go to a party. They are both ...

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What are some effects about drinking and driving?

Like what are the results of drinking and driving, like what happens?

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Why do I feel sick in the mornings after drinking fluids?

In the mornings I cannot stomach liquids- milk, water- you name it. It makes me feel sick, or I gag or I cough. ...

3 answers | 1 star | Open

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