Everyday Questions

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I vomit after every meal everyday, I have bulimia and recently I have noticed blood splatters on sink whenever I blow nose. Is that indication of ...

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What does it mean if you see double, triple, and quadruple numbers almost everyday?

I see a series of numbers almost everyday on clocks, license plates, bus numbers, ...

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Is it possible to lose 22 kgs in 6 months if I run on the treadmill everyday?

I really really want to lose weight so bad..I look so bad right now because i gained weight ...

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My husband doesn't like sex with me! Please help...?

My husband is 27 and I am 24. He was very sex active previously before 2 year when we married. He will make love to ...

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My snapstreaks aren't there?

I have snapstreaks with like, 10 people and I know I do because they update me on how many we have, we snapchat everyday but it doesn't ...

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I'm a jr in hs and I'm struggling with depression. I get bullied everyday in school cuz I'm stupid.?

... I do have friends but I don't want them to know I'm in ...

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