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What are the benefits of horoscope reading?

Horoscope helps in studies and jobs and also to take the right decision about their carrier. Horoscope reading believers can understand the facts and ...

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Why is fast food considered not healthy ?

except the fact that it is bad for health and it causes health problems such as heart disease , obesity.

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Does my straight friend's prolonged eye contact signify he might be interested in me?

I am a bisexual male. I have a very close friend, fairly new too, who says he's ...

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Why Do I Lose Weight When I Sleep Less and Am Exhausted?

I know the legendary 'fact' of the weight loss world is that the more you sleep, the less you eat, ...

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Should I go to my daughters wedding?

I'll try to keep to the facts. I have very little money, no real vacation time. My daughters getting married in Oregon and I am ...

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My girlfriend was forced to have sex by her previous boyfriend. I love her but I can't get over the?

... fact that she isn't a virgin. What shoud i do

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