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Should I quit my job?

I'm severely feeling burned out. I just started a new job and 3 months in i already hate it. I want to leave but I'm worried about money ...

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Should I leave my friends and be alone instead?

My friends are kinda bad and kinda good they understand that I am a soft person but they barely even talk to me and call me and include me and if I ...

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Is it gaslighting when your SO tells you they are going to leave because of something you said?

My husband has been juggling mental health issues for three years. In that time, he's refused any help or tried to improve the situation. It ...

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After sex my girlfriend leaves a huge wet spot, is this normal?

The spot is huge, clear, and has no smell. As far as we know she doesn't squirt. We want to know if ...

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I told her but she stopped talking 2 me?

i told my crush that I love her 3 moths ago but she stopped talkin to me ....I love her truly and I m not like other boys who ...

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I'm so confused about this Aquarius male, I'm a gemini female. Does he like me or not?

If you're not into astrology, then please don't leave an unrelated ...

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Should I talk to him about it or just let him go?

So I went on his facebook and was going to leave a comment on one of his status but I saw some other girls comment and ...

9 answers | | Open

How to leave someone?

I've dated a girl 7 times. I dont want to see her anymore, but I'm afraid she overreact and take revenge. We have been intimate and it was ...

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