Life Questions

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What are the key factors to consider when choosing the best life insurance policy for my needs?

When selecting the best life insurance policy for your needs, it's essential to delve deeper into which several key factors.

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Some people believe that fate or predestination, not personal choice, controls their life. When they fail to reach certain goals, they simply shrug ...

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How to earn money when I am just a student?

I want to earn money when i am a student. This helps me a lot of of in mt life.

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What is the name of the song of snoop dogg played after thug life compilation video?

If you watch some thug life video there is a song in that lyrics it says snoop dogg

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Do you like this song I wrote?

I wrote it when i was having a hard time in life and theres a copy write so dont copy it do you like it. Here I am, every day Trying to ...

36 answers | | Open

What should I do?

My school makes my life a living nightmare. The girls are cruel and evil. They start nasty horrible major rumors, call me names, turn everyone against ...

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What is a list of song topics of songs to write?

Okay so i am s song writer. I know when people write songs it has to come from heart. Well i just need some ideas. I ...

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What should I do to change my life around and be happy?

So, i think I'm depressed, i feel like everyone hates me and i just don't care anymore about anything, i ...

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