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Is it possible to get a sort of cast on my hand to prevent me from picking my skin on my hand?

So I’ve had this habit since I was very little. I have this medical condition called dermatillomania or excoriation disorder, and I’ve ...

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What types of maintenance are required for solar panels?

Solar panels require very little maintenance, but there are a few things you can do to keep them in good condition and maximize their energy ...

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Should I tell my gf I cheated on her?

i have been with my girlfriend for a little over two years now. i gave her a promise ring, and i gave her my word to one day marry ...

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How can I reset my facebook security question?

I am Kamal, I have a problem. My facebook account is well running but for security purposes I change little in its security ...

19 answers | | Open

How do I get rid of the fat pouch under my belly button FAST? My whole stomach is flat until then:(?

Im 5'2 and weigh 115. my stomach is flat and I somewhat have ...

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Is it possible to fly?

i have a friend whos little brother is trying to fly he says he will jump off the roof and start flying soo i told him id ask you guys and so ...

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