Man Questions

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Understand that I have not married you and there is such a situation that I have to marry someone?

... else and I have to file an FIR against the person who married me after seeing your love and you passed me as a man to accept me

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How tall was African American giant John Rogan?

He was the second tallest man ever. He couldn't stand due to an bone disorder. So he could only be measured sitting down.

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Is ousmane kokoirey famous man ?

Ousmane kokoirey is not actually famous man but his alphabet fabricor and creator according to quora

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Who is your favorite Avenger and why?

I personally like Iron Man and Quicksilver.

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A man locked his personal computer with a password?

A man locked his personal computer with a password and wrote some phrases in the hint box. One day his wife tries to ...

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What is your favorite Iron Man/Tony Stark Avengers quote from ONE or BOTH Avenger movies?

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I'm in love with a man who doesn't know me?

i know this will seem odd to some, but i am in love with a guy who probably doesn't even know i exist. he's the ...

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Is it wrong for a 23 year old girl to date a 40 year old man? Is 17 years too much of an age gap?

Research for a story im making- 23 year old girl and 40 year old man ...

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