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How does Ruby on Rails simplify web development tasks?

Ruby on Rails, a powerful web application framework, makes web development easier by emphasizing convention over configuration and DRY (Do not Repeat ...

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Are Turmeric capsules useful for non alcoholic fatty liver?

Curcumin is a powerful antioxidant that can help reduce oxidative stress and improve liver function. Here are some of the ways that turmeric capsules ...

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Why is there a witch hunt in Hollywood against powerful men?

It seems like its a power takeover and the "victims" are acting and getting paid to ruin peoples lives

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Need powerful weight loss tips?

i've literally tried over 6 - 10 weight loss diets and workout routines. tae bo seems to be the only workout i enjoy doing and i do ...

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If God is all powerful why did Jesus need to die for our sins since God can just forgive us himself?

If God is all powerful, why did Jesus need to die for our sins since ...

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How powerful is Joker Incense?

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Mythology Land Name, NEED IDEAS!?

I want to base the name of a mythological land in my book after a powerful goddess named Hera(Juno).. Can someone give me land name ...

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