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Read the excerpt from Monsters are Due on Maple Street below Charlie’s Voice [Shrill, from?

... across the street.]You best watch who you’re seen with Steve! Until we get this all straightened out, you ain’t exactly above ...

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How do I read Japanese ?

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Are the greek gods and goddesses real?

i am 13 years old and have read all the books by rick riordan. i was wonderng if the gods in the greek mythology where real. i am ...

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Read first, think and then awnser: Can the bible be used to scientifically prove "Gods" existance?

In history we learned of jesus born 3 b.c. and died in 30 a.d. during ...

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Okay I'm a teen girl looking for some new books to read?

Okay i'm a teen girl looking for some new books to read. I liked harry potter, the hunger games, ...

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Is the manga Fairy Tail appropriate for a 10 going into 11 year old?

I am a ten year old boy and I have read, and watched a bunch on Fairy Tail. My parents are wondering ...

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Question - how does one clean music discs?

when I put music discs in my Bose system, it reads reading disc then it says disc error. Do the discs need cleaning or does ...

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