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If you are a PMI-Risk Management professional, you are an authentic professional to work as a risk manager or similar to the needs of a project ...

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Is there a way for a 12 year old to lose weight?

i am going throw puberty and my doctor said as you go threw it you tend to eat alot more and you gain weight and my ...

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Hello I am a christian who prays for my son who commited suicide I ask that God finds him not guilty

... because he was so screwed up and did not know what he was ...

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Teen at risk?

Okay, im 15 years old and I live in North Carolina. Two years ago, i moved in with my aunt and uncle to get away from my mother who was heavy on drugs. I ...

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Do you like warm weather or cold weather, why?

I prefer warm weather. The downside is, you get bugs and you have a risk of heat stroke if you don't drink enough ...

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