Stomach Questions

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What are some remedies for diarrhea and how can I stop having diarrhea?

I just started having stomach pain 10 minutes ago after eating a burrito and some chips and now I’m sitting on the toilet, trying desperately ...

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My stomach hurts really badly. Should I induce vomiting?

My stomach’s been hurting for about an hour now. I’m not gassy or whatever, I haven’t eaten anything today (not hungry I guess) and ...

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Why is my stomach is exposed?

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How do I get rid of the fat pouch under my belly button FAST? My whole stomach is flat until then:(?

Im 5'2 and weigh 115. my stomach is flat and I somewhat have ...

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Whats a good exercise plan for a 12 year old girl?

hi, Im 12 and weigh around 10 stone i'm the heaviest in my class, but also the tallest. i am a bit self conscious ...

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Can Coke Help A Stomach Ache?

I have a terrible flu/stomach ache thingy and I REALLY want coke, but I'm afraid It'll hurt my stomach even more. I have also ...

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How does it feel to have a baby growing inside you?

talking about when you first find out that your pregante what does your stomch feel like what does it feel like to you ...

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What happens if a human hair lice goes into human stomach?

What would be the health hazards?

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