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Are there any moms who wanted her daughter to talk like a valley girl?

As for perspectives, it can be either from the mom, the daughter or anyone who knows if such a scenario happened. I know this may sound silly, but ...

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Dr. Kamini Tyagi Best Obstetrician & Gynecologist in Lucknow?

: Talk to friends, family members, or colleagues who have had experiences with obstetricians and gynecologists in Lucknow. They may provide valuable ...

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I told a girl I loved her and now she wont talk to me what should I do?

I'm the school holidays I told this girl who I was really good friends with I loved her over ...

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Is a girl nervous and likes me or trying to avoid me?

is a girl nervous or trying to avoid me?This girl who I havent talked to in a while gives me mixed signals but ...

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I have a crush but I'm shy. I wanna talk to him alone, how could I get him alone?

I have a serious crush right now. I've never felt this nervous or shy around any ...

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I like this girl but am afraid to talk to her how can I get her to come to me instead of me to her?

Well I had this idea That I would go up to her and ask her a question ...

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I am 14. My friends dont care about me. I am too quiet. Id like to find new friends. Help?

So i am lonely. I have nobody to talk to. And sadly i dont know what to do ...

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