Talking Questions

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How do I make up with old friends that I messed up the friendship?

Hi, I'm 16 and last year I had befriended this guy. I ended up getting a little crush on him and he found out. He stopped talking to me and ...

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An old girlfriend I use to chat with on Facebook messenger was on my Facebook messenger her bubble?

... showed up on my messenger and now my current girlfriend thinks I am cheating on her by talking to my X girlfriend on messenger she claims that ...

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Me and my girl friend run out of things to say when texting...?

me and my girlfriend text A LOT and we both want to keep talking but we don't have any thing to say ...

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My boss at work sent me home for talking! and I think Im sacked what can I do?

He has never asked me in again and i never got paid today what can i do?

12 answers | | Open

Do girls like chubby guys at all or are they really just settling because they cant have the hunk ?

Im talking about not obese men, but guys that are just... average ...

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Serious Love Problem?

So I have a crush on this girl in my class and she has a crush on another guy from another school. I started talking with her over whatsapp a while ...

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How does it feel to have a baby growing inside you?

talking about when you first find out that your pregante what does your stomch feel like what does it feel like to you ...

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