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What is a good place to go on vacation and have fun?

Some friends and i just graduated high school and are wanting a "one last time" trip and wanted to go ...

13 answers | 1 star | Open

Should I go to my daughters wedding?

I'll try to keep to the facts. I have very little money, no real vacation time. My daughters getting married in Oregon and I am ...

1 answers | | Open

Boyfriend is down after 2 bad vacations?

Its been 4 weeks and we he had some bad luck at work and ended up going back school and doing something totally else but he keeps ...

4 answers | 1 star | Open

Must miss work from July 4th -july 8th excuses? Strict boss vs. vacation package already paid for?

Must miss work from July 4th -july 8th excuses? This year I bought a ...

2 answers | 1 star | Open

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