Woman Questions

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How do I take care of a woman after her abortion?

Abortion is very sensitive which affects woman mentally and emotionally, Patients may experience a wide range of emotions (anxiety, depression, ...

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‘Dating’ a separated woman?

I’ve been dating a woman who is separated and awaiting divorce. My question is, should I have an opinion about her ‘ex’ that feels ...

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Who was the female back-up singer for "The Babys" on "Isn't it Time" and "Everytime I Think of You?"

This outstanding woman has a lot of stage presence, and deserves all ...

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Why is fashion so importand for girls?

why are some woman so hooked to fashion

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In the movie Internship, who is the woman at the pool by John Goodman?

At 1:21:38, there is a woman by the pool that I can't find on the cast list, and isn't ...

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I am a married woman. My husband and I don't have sex. Over the year we may have sex 6-12 times

What is the problem? No foreplay and he always has excuses.

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