Women Questions

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If I want to appear slimmer: what should I look for?

Most women make the mistake of hiding behind their clothes. They think that large, billowy clothing will make them appear smaller and hide what they ...

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What foods should pregnant women avoid?

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I work as house cleaner,why(some)women treat me badly?

i dont have problems with men but some women who rent me to clean her house treat me badly,sometimes it was ...

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What issues do men face that women don't?

Women face pregnacy, periods, rape, and being judge by their looks. What problems do men face that women don't?

8 answers | 1 star | Open

Feeling confused.. Am I a lesbian or just bi curious?

I'm currently struggling with my sexuality. For the longest time I've only been interested in men. As I ...

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Need a mature person's opinion. This is serious(girl situation) would appreciate it if you help me?

Greatly appreciated if you read. So there is this girl, ive known her ...

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