Vagina - I have a red bump in my vigina and it looks like a zit. what do I do?

Answers (2)

it depends do you shave. because if you shave that could be a reason why you have red bump it could also itch from shaving when the hair begins growing. There are many reasons why you have these red bumps but the most common is if you shave and if it really irritates you. you should try different type of hair removal so the bumps don't appear and if you don't shave and you get bumps you should ask your doctor because that is a very sensitive place.

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thanks a lot but no i dont shave

is there another way you removal hair from that area just so i can understand your situation.

no i dont remove hair cause theres no reason to remove it

There are alot of causes of red bumps, I would make an appointment with your gynecologist or doctor to get it checked out and give yourself some peace of mind and be safe and most causes can be cured. Good Luck.

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