Okay. I am 5'3 and 109 pounds. I suffer from an eating disorder, anorexia. i was clean from my ed for 2 years. In January i started again. I also have a no carb diet. I don't eat breads, pasta, candy, even fruit. Two days ago I passed out at work, I was really sweaty but cold, my face was all white, Basically all of the symptoms. I didn't think much of it, although people were saying I needed to eat because my blood sugar was probably low. I drank a small amount of oj but was anxious about the carbs. When I got home my mom told me to eat but I just said no that I was fine, I had eaten before (I hadn't.).
Today I started to get the same faint feeling, and also a very very sharp, burning pain in the left side of my stomach, it hurt to even lift up my left leg, this lasted awhile till I went to the bathroom and tried to have a bowel movement, which I should add is very rare that I have, I haven't in a couple of days so I took a laxative last night. This didn't work. I was so nauseous I ended up throwing up water and a granola bar that I had this morning. I thought it was over until i puked more, 20 minutes later, I thought it was all over for sure, because the pain in my stomach had gone away. I went to take a nap for an hour, but I woke up with the pain again and feeling like I was about to have a bowel movement, I didn't have a movement but I did throw up more.
I feel ok right now, I have some broth I'm drinking with a spoon, but I'm scared about it coming back or that there's something wrong with me, physically. I know I have to get help with my eating disorder so please don't tell me!!! I am starting therapy this coming week. I'm really freaked out because my mom is saying my body rejecting food because I don't eat. I'm really scared....should I go to the hospital?