What impact would global warming have on jobs and money in Tennessee?

Answers (1)

In Tennessee, this could lead to a number of problems. Projections show temperature increases of 2-3 degrees year-round.
These higher temperatures and more frequent heat waves
could increase heat-related deaths and illnesses from insectborne diseases such as malaria and West Nile virus. In Memphis, which has been particularly susceptible to heat-related
deaths, a temperature increase in this range could
increase fatalities by 60%. Increased temperatures would
make the state more habitable
for mosquitoes that carry
West Nile Virus, likely leading to increased infections.
With substantial agricultural
resources, Tennessee is particularly sensitive to changes in
climate. The majority of farmland in the state is not irrigated; increased soil temperatures and evaporation rates could
require Tennessee farmers to invest substantial resources in
irrigation systems. Additionally, increased temperatures could
increase the frequency and intensity of heavy rainfalls, leading to flooding and soil erosion, which are already problems
in parts of the state.

Hope this helps!!

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