In Aug of last year I rented a trailer from my landlord and needed to start up electricity.... landlord still had the electric in their name, and seeing as how the deposit for the electric was expensive, we agreed that I would pay on their electricity. One night I had lost the house to high winds, tearing off an addition to the kitchen, bedroom, and bedroom closet that the landlord had built previously while my son and sons mother was at home. The landlord had no homeowners insurance. I have been trying to get things out of the house and into a new house that we are currently residing in. I have been paying on the landlords electric during the time I was there and while I was there, their deposit that they put down was applied to one of the bills. Now the landlord wants to hold my belongings until we can pay on the deposit of their electric that they had set up in the first place. They are blaming me for accessing their electric account and doing this and are now trying to get rent from the days I was living there, the current electric bill and the current water bill. And hes holding my possessions ransom and hes told me not to come on his property because there is a private property sign on the building. What rights do I have? Can he do all this? And if we went to court how would the case go? I have no qualms about paying what is owed on rent, electric and water.