I been horse riding once a week for 7 years and in recent weeks my riding instructor has been consistently commenting/criticising everything I'm doing (She has always been a criticiser). I don't mind positive criticism but it's all the time - I don't know if I'm just being paranoid about her being mean but in the last two riding lessons it has brought me to tears after the lessons. My mum says I can quit, but I just feel too loyal (don't know if that's the right word) to my instructor because I have been with her for 7 years. But it's constantly on my mind stressing me and I am already quite a stressful person.

On top of that, I have recently started loaning a pony (3 weeks ago) who's quite difficult to ride and takes up about 3-4 days in my week. This also adds extra stress, as well as lots of school homework . I already like this pony, but I don't feel experienced enough to have a pony (MORE STRESS). The lady who owns the pony is 8 months pregnant and now I feel like I have to take on the pony other wise she will be stressed and angry at me for not being committed.

These things are always on my mind stressing me to the point where I don't look forward to going to either horse riding or the pony and I'm starting to dislike my life.

I think what I'm asking is should i give up horse riding and the pony if it stresses me out????

p.s I'm in year 10, and I am in all the top sets in classes and the teachers are always pressurising us to do well in our GCSE's.