I need help coming up with a name for superhero for a project, he's 19, and is basically a rip off of hawkeye and green arrow with the whole archer shtick. His story begins with his father dying in a car accident when he was 9, daddy issues leads him to get too attached to father figures. He takes archery at his high school and ends up being really good, his archery coach is a father figure which he grows very attached to. One day he witnesses his coach being murdered by a thug in the street, which sends him into this crazy rage that eventually starts his vigilante career. He swears to his dead coach that he will get rid of all the scum in the city, doing whatever he has to do to achieve it, at the beginning his crime fighting is all a way to deal with his rage and revenge, but soon he turns good and becomes less violent. I want his name to go with the archer shtick but it doesn't have too (what i'm really aiming for is the revenge part, something like punisher or vengeance). If anyone could take some time to help me with that it would be awesome, thanks.