Why our body releases mucus?

Answers (4)

mucus is kinda like a fly catcher it catches all the bad stuff u might inhale and then when theres alot of bad stuff and ur body makes more mucus then eventually u have to much mucus then its gotta come out some how lol

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to trap dust and bacteria and is used in the stomach to prevent gastric acid from burning a hole in your stomach

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Mucus protects the walls of the digestive system from acidic digestive juices which would erode them. The movement of a thin layer of mucus acts like a continuously moving conveyer belt, which carries microbes, viruses and other undesirable particles out of the body. If there is a deficiency, then we have the danger of ulcers.

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Pepsin ,( an enjyme which is used for digestion of protein) works in the presence of HCL acid. Mucus is a slippery fluid which prevents the contact of walls of stomach from HCL which would erode them.

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