Why should a manager know about research when the job entails managing people, products, events?

Answers (5)

What do you mean Ankit? Are you a manager and your boss are giving you a research work?

Research comes in many form, any person in any position should know how to research in order to get their job efficiently. If there is something you didn't know, you have to research it and study to know it better. This way you can manage well because you know what you are doing.

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research is an inherent part of management. quality research displays a well organized cognitive and comprehensive skill necessary to succeed in a manager position. also, a manager must be a jack of all trades, filling in various positions during times of crisis or emergency.
the fact that you posted this question proves that you are willing to take steps into independent research for occupational purposes. you ARE the manager

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The manager, while managing people, products, events, and environments will invariably face problems, big and small, and will have to seek ways to find long lasting effective solutions. This can be achieved only through knowledge of research even if consultants are engaged to solve problems. The primary purpose for applied research (as opposed to basic research) is discovering, interpreting, and the development of methods and systems for the advancement of human knowledge on a wide variety of scientific matters of our world and the universe. Research can use the scientific method, but need not do so.

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esearch simply means a search for facts – answers to questions and solutions to problems. Itis a purposive investigation. It is an organized inquiry. It seeks to find explanations tounexplained phenomenon to clarify the doubtful facts and to correct the misconceived facts.Research is the organized and systematic inquiry or investigation which provides informationfor solving a problem or finding answers to a complex issue

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Well a manager of any concern is a person who has to know and manage every aspects of the project he is in charge of. So be it managing the people or the necessary research work that needs to be done. He needs to know the in and out of the project.

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