I noticed the lump under left armpit on the 22nd of December and it's been on me for about 2 weeks. It's hard and when I push on it it doesn't hurt, it just feels like someone is pushing on a bruise. I know it can't be anything to do with my period because I have never had my period before ( yes, I know I'm a late developer ) Also I do shave my armpits and the week before I noticed the lump I had a lot of irritation under my left armpit ( pimples, rashes ) but then when they went, and that's when I noticed the lump. The lump doesn't move with my skin, and sort of sticks out of my armpit. When I look in the mirror with my armpit up I can see that it sticks out a bit. I'm really worried that it's cancer because I have done research and it says that if it doesn't move with my skin, is hard then it's cancer ! I'm really worried about it and haven't been my normal, fun self lately because I'm too busy thinking about it. It's making me really stressed out. I really don't want to tell my parents about it because I'm really worried about what they will say and also they will make me go to the doctor and I don't want to go to the doctor because I'm scared of what the outcome will be.

So, if any doctors / nurses or people who have experienced the same thing could pls pls pls answer my question it would be very much appreciated ! It would really help :)