i just don't like everything. i've been fine all my life nice parents nice house (normal house nothing fancy) but i like to spend all my time in my room and watch anime that's literally all i do, i wake up and i put anime i go have dinner and then come back and watch anime. I love anime it enthralls me and make me feel whole, i want to just fade away into an anime of my own. When it comes to anything else i just don't like to show emotion unless i really like it and i don't like new people i have moved around a lot but when i moved from my last house which was a few months back it really started to kick in and i just didn't want to be a part of anything except anime.
I'm not exaggerating, i'm being literal all i do is watch anime nothing else, i get 8-9 hours sleep at best and i just don't so anything.
my routine consists of getting up around 11-12 and putting on anime, then at around 4-5 i have tea (some people say dinner) after that i come up to my room and get into bed and watch anime till around 2 in the morning until i finally go to sleep and repeat. (that's if i'm not at school) oh and i'm 15. but the funny thing is i enjoy not showing emotion to everything, i don't know why but i just do.