I've known my closest friend for a couple of years, but recently I've started feeling... strange... around her. I get a weird fluttery thing in my stomach and my heart races. Also (yuck) my hands sometimes get sweaty if she's close to me. Is this what's called a crush? I thought I was sick for the first few months but this is lasting way too long.

On to the next important thing- in your opinion, does she feel the same way? I know that she's into girls, and she's asked me for advice about "a crush". She's kissed me (on the cheek) a few times and I've never seen her kiss anyone else. She hugs me every time we see each other and has held my hand a few times. Again, no hand-holding with anyone else has taken place as far as I know. Um, what else? She tells me I'm cute/pretty. I've caught her staring at me. She puts her arms around me during movies but doesn't do it to others. Oh and this- once when she thought I was asleep I heard her whisper "I love you, Name." (I didn't get a whole lot of sleep after that.)

What do you think? Should I tell her how I feel or work on destroying these feelings?