Friend Questions
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When boys say 'my friend thinks ur cute'?
When I walk by/thru a group of boys and they say ( my friend thinks ur cute/or my friend likes u). This has happened about 5 times in the last year ...
Which are the best Adventure Camps in Kanatal ?
Looking for Adventure Camps in Kanatal with friends
Popular Questions
I told a girl I loved her and now she wont talk to me what should I do?
I'm the school holidays I told this girl who I was really good friends with I loved her over ...
Me and my girl friend run out of things to say when texting...?
me and my girlfriend text A LOT and we both want to keep talking but we don't have any thing to say ...
My girlfriend either has no hobbies or friends; all she has is me. How can I help her find stuff?
It is, I suppose, possible that she has both and just doesn't want ...
A long paragraph for my bestie Emily?
I need a long sweet paragraph for my best friend Emily her nickname is Louis and we met in cheerleading practice
How to tell a boy you like him in 5th grade?
I'm in 5th grade and I'm 11 years old and I really like this guy at my school i started liking him a while ago and ...