My dad left my mom before I was born. She said another man was my father, to make sure I havea good childhood. So basically, she lied to me and I found out when I was 9 1/2. It hurts a lot now. Right after I turned 6, my mom got herself arrested. My siblings went with their dad,and I had nobody except my grandmother, and I didnt see my mom or siblings for two years. None of the emotional pain will go away, and it is torture. The closest thing I have to a father is currently on his way to being dead. Everything in life reminds me of those things, so even more pain. Im starting to think I did something wrong in a previous life or something. I know people have it worse then me, and I don t want to here anything about that. Is it possible that a shy, sensitive, caring, wuss like myself did something wrong before I was born, or is it just bad luck?