I remember reading online somewhere about a word from some European language, I can't remember which one, used to describe and/or chasten someone whose aspirations or successes betray a wish to distinguish themselves from their peers, or from their group, as if they view themselves as superior. It is a somewhat derogatory term, and it serves to keep them from getting too big for their britches, so to speak. The point seemed to be that you shouldn't aim too high, lest you give the impression you think you're better than others. I seem to remember the literal translation having something to do with a flower that grows higher than the rest, taking up more sunlight than the other flowers...but I could be completely making that part up. I thought it was a Dutch term, but I think I was getting mixed up with the word "hygge," which everyone seemed to write an article about this past year. I do think that it it comes from some western European language, though. Thank you!