okay so there is this really annoying boy who sits next to me in school (he is in my class).
he is really annoying to me, and he ONLY annoys me. im the only girl in our whole entire grade he wants to annoy. okay so my grades are not the best right now and i need to keep them up, but i cant because the guy wants to annoy me and get a laugh. so i also sit next to him in my computer class, and when i do he wants to annoy me there too!
okay so let me tell you what he does to me and tell me if it is a sign he likes me or not.
-He takes my things and hides them(like my books)
-He says he is gonna put me in his story along with my dog(assignment for our computer class
-He says my little sister(9 years old) is taller than me(she isnt)
okay are these signs he likes me?!?? or what???
okay so i sit next to him in my homeroom class(along with my best friend) and he is super annoying there too! okay so this is what he does(while my bff doesnt care and just laughs when he does these things
-He get little pieces of crumbled up paper and throws them at me to get a laugh or get my attention
-He stares at me randomly at points during class
-He copies my every move during class
-He as to insult me for everytime i say something
okay so he does these things to get my attention or idk why? but its annoying! if u no how to make him stop tell me!! i really want to know if he has a crush on me im dieing to know!!!
btw: he is one of those "popular kids" and im just an average kid like i talk to the popular girls and they dont have a problem with me
also btw: im 13 years old in 8th grade