Ok so this is a weird question of sorts. Prom is coming up at my school at the end of the month, (yes I know this is late to be figuring it out) and I still need a date. The main reason why I am in a conflict in the first place is because the girl I was originally going to ask was a girl I kinda had a thing with before and we used to talk everyday last year. When talking to her a couple of months ago, we were talking about why we drifted and it turns out we both had feelings for each other. So it was a missed connection of sorts.
So, with this information, and since I started to have feelings for her again, I decided I would ask her to prom. End of March rolls around, and I am thinking of how to ask her. I was at her lacrosse game the night before, and she happened to call me out by name, so I noticed her and we talked for a little. One of her teammates who was there mentioned something about someone being at the game to ask her to prom which was incorrect because nobody was there. I texted her later after we both got home and asked her what she thought of the guy that was going to ask her. She said she thought he was awkward and that they weren't alike in any way, but if he did ask her than she made it clear they only wanted to go as friends. Now, this has been a couple of months since we talked so I don't know where or if I stand anywhere with this girl. So I decided I should take my chances and ask her to prom.
The next morning, I see the guy we talked about walking into school with a poster and I immediately was nervous (this is a custom where I live where you decorate a poster to ask somebody to prom) so I texted a mutual friend to see what was happening. Turns out he was asking her to prom that same day, and I missed my chance.
How should I go about handling this problem? Also, the guy I used to talk to and hang out with a lot so we are good friends. And I still need a date, and there's a girl I'm friends with but I don't know what her feelings are. Would it also be wrong to go with the girl I am friends with to prom since I still have feelings for the first girl? I wouldn't want to lead anyone on if there wasn't a relationship. Thanks in advance, I know this is a lengthy explanation.