Ok so I need to exercise a lot before summer because summer is when I see my doctor. (who says I have to lose weight) I don't have a lot of space in my house. If I wanted to do yoga in my bedroom, I'd have to do it on my bed. I like to exercise privately. I can't do that in my living room. I tried jumping over my couch but my parents don't want me doing that or else the couch will break. I live in a climate that's really cold a lot during the year so I really don't feel like going outside. I have a membership to the YMCA but I can't go a lot because I'm already too busy with different things. (basketball, singing, school etc.) Plus my mom sometimes works late and have nobody to take me. Basketball is 3 times a week but I don't play as much in the games. (Usually a quarter and a half) I often sit out in the games and not very good at it. (all i do is steal, pass, and run pretty much) In singing, I dance a little but mostly sing for almost the whole 2 and a half hours. I try eating healthy but a lot of the healthy things I need to save for school. (snack) I usually have hot lunch because they're usually healthy. (soup, whole grain spaghetti and chicken nuggets) But one of my family members also buys a lot sweets that are very unhealthy. (cupcakes, donuts, brownies etc.) I don't want them to just sit there because I am the reason they were bought in the first place. I used to overeat a lot. I eat a little less. I can't overeat because I'm a christian and overeating and overdrinking are part of the ten commandments. I stopped doing that for a bit but I have no time or barely any space to exercise. I like doing yoga, basketball, tennis, swimming, and walking. I just don't have the room or time to do it. This makes me sad and my mom says to not worry about my doctor but I just can't let it go. Any help?