I have tried many diets, I work out. I don’t seem to loose any leg weight, and I don’t want to gain leg muscle I want skinny legs like a model. Every workout makes your legs bigger, what do I do?
How do I get skinny legs?
Added 3+ months ago:
So from the answers I’ve gotten so far, I understand but that’s what I’ve been told this whole time, I need something new so thank you guys but unless you have anything to say that will help me achieve my goal you don’t need to comment thanksâ¨
Responses (2)
Diets generally don't work. You need to study some books about nutrition so you will know how to eat right.
"Like a model" doesn't mean anything. There are models who never show anything but their hands. Or their ears. Or their nose. You are pursuing an image that is considered freakish even among the people in the business. Concentrate on building health and stop fixating on one body part.