How do many people view God the father ? A father with mercy?A father of love? An angry father?

Answers (4)

In the 19th century Americans started moving west and three institutions went with them. There was vaudeville, traveling entertainment. There was lyceum, traveling education and culture. And there was the itinerant preacher, offering a new style of preaching called "hell fire and brim stone". It was very entertaining, only loosely based on scripture, and pastors didn't even try to compete. Instead they switched to preaching public morality and philosophy. Eventually an entire generation grew up not knowing the first thing about the religion they claimed to believe. That is why most Christian churches don't teach doctrines, and most members don't know what they are supposed to believe.

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Many view God as unloving because religions tell their members that God is the reason their loved ones die, they say "God called them home to be with him" or that "God needed another angel." But the Bible tells us at 1 John 4:8 that "God is Love." He sent his son, Jesus Christ, to die for our sins, which was an ultimate display of love. John 3:16 tells us, “For God loved the world so much that he gave his only-begotten Son, so that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life."

The real reason we die is because Adam and Eve sinned. Romans 5:12 tells us, "That is why, just as through one man sin entered into the world and death through sin, and so death spread to all men because they had all sinned."

If people would read the Bible and take time to get to know Jehovah God. They will see that he is a loving, wise and merciful God.

Next time you run into one of Jehovah's Witnesses, ask them to help you get to know more about our wonderful Father and Creator Jehovah God. Or go to the website and request a FREE Bible Study.

Many people have mis-construed opinions or ideas about God. Basically this is because of what others have told them especially their religious leaders. However, God's Word tells us about the many wonderful qualities that He possesses. Exodus 34:6,7 says "He is a God merciful and compassionate, slow to anger and abundant in loyal love and truth, showing loyal love ...". The fruitage of His spirit is listed at Galatians 5:22,23 (please read). 1John 4:8 tells us "God is Love". The Bible tells us that God has four main attributes. They are Love, Justice, Wisdom, and Power. All of his qualities are centered around His dominate quality, Love. This quality is what motivated Him to give His only begotten Son in behalf of our sins. Aren't we thankful to Him for this wonderful gift!

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Many people have trouble identifying the relation and balance in God between love, anger, mercy, and justice. He shows all of these like a father, but what kind of father-a good one. A father loves his children, but sometimes, punishment is needed for them to recognize their mistakes. He can't always be happy with them because if he constantly shows pleasure to sin, we learn nothing. He loves us, but is angered at us when we deliberately disobey him. He is a father to us.

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When people refer to God as the father, they refer to God as the father of the son, the son that came to earth as a manifestation of God. God is the ultimate father, he is our creator. Who is the father? The father is one who gives us life, provides for us and so does God. God is the ultimate father of everything on earth, everybody on earth. Therefore people view God as a power beyond human comprehension but as the father, the creator, the controller, everything on earth.

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