How to treat chicken pox scars on face ?

Answers (3)

From the name itself, it is evident that baking soda is something that is used for baking but you also have to know that this is effective for the skin as well. Aside from the fact that it can help relieve the skin from itchiness and inflammation, it also helps in maintaining the acidity and basicity of the skin.

1. Make use of two tablespoons of baking soda and mix it in with a whole cup of water.
2. Mix the two until it becomes like a paste.
3. Place the paste on the affected area of the skin.
4. Wash off afterwards with water.

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Scar tissue needs less oxygen that normal tissue. Vitamin E reduces the need for oxygen, so it will prevent scarring, and soften existing scars. Get "Pure Vitamin E Skin Beauty Oil" at the cosmetics counter. Be sure it says "Pure". You can also use capsules by poking a hole with a pin and squeezing the oil out. Vitamin E has to soak in, so put it on when you can leave the skin bare for a while. It works if you swallow it, but that takes longer.

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Chicken pox can be treated by baking soda because it helps control the irritation as well as itchiness caused by chicken pox. All you need to to is adding some baking soda to water and wash your face with it. Besides, another tips is to drink more juices and consume more vitamin C- rich foods.

Hope this helps!

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