Also, can someone give me a name for a bakery/cafe/sweet shop? Thanks a bunches!!! :)

Brooklyn is oldest, but Kaitlin is the main character. This is the plot. Please don't copy that much. Thanks!


12 year old girl named Kaitlin. She has an older sister named Brooklyn and a younger sister named. Her bff breaks their friendship by becoming friends with the “mean bees”, Hannah and Jasmine. She soon befriends a girl named Natasha Allie who she always used to be mean too. Now, she tries to be nice and create a friendship with her. She gets on to the journalism, yearbook, and dance team, all of them with Natasha. She finds her world changing, but now in a good way. She also meets two girls name Olivia Claire and Sadie. Her parents are breaking up.She gets a dog named Abby for her half birthday. She also meets her cousin Megan A LOT, who she shares a lot of her deep feelings and thoughts. her grandma owns a sweet shop, which she and her cousin Megan hang at A LOT. Her aunt and mother work at a cafe/bakery. The cafe/bakery is connected to the sweet shop. They are both one store, just different items. The store is names “Sugar Sweetie.”