I remember pretty good considering how long ago it was . I was about 7 Maybe (don't think I'm lying tho) my brothers friend was getting picked up and it was getting dark. I remember me my brother my mom and my brothers friend went outside when my brothers friends mom arrived. We were by her car and I looked at the sky and I saw this big meteor looking rock in the sky rotating as it moved forward . It wasn't close to the ground but it looked pretty close that I literally thought it was going to hit this plane that was flying but it didn't. I dont know if it was so big it had the illusion it was within our atmosphere. I told my brother multiple times to look and he didn't because he was paying attention to my mom and his friends mom talk. Now I know how stupid and fake this sounds believe me. Every time I think about I still don't believe. Is it really possible for a meteor to pass so close by earth? From what Ik no way... at least no where close to how close that thing looked. Sometimes I feel like it might be a false memory or maybe like a dream but the more I think the more curtain I am that ik I saw what I said i saw. Anyone have an explanation because this is one if the few things that I remember with pretty good amount of detail. I'm like 95% curtain I saw a meteor rotating in the sky and I need an explanation to how that is possible and didn't hit earth or anything .(least I doubt it cause it looked like had it hit it would make serious damage) picture a moon's sizes rock (not the actual size but the size it looks from our distance)(maybe a little smaller and not as round more of a sphere but not a perfect sphere obviously just a rock in that sorta shape] flying across the sky. I need help knowing is this possible?